Ha costat trobar el moment però al final he pogut preparar aquesta web per penjar-hi el material que he anat acumulant des de que vaig començar a dibuixar i a fer anar el ratolí...

Intentaré anar actualitzant això...

Marc Calvelo

Ha sido difícil encontrar el momento, pero al final he podido preparar esta web para colgar el material que he ido acumulando desde que empecé en esto de dibujar y manejar el ratón ...

Intentaré ir actualizando esto...

Marc Calvelo


It's been hard to find the time but finally I've been able to prepare this site to post material that I have been accumulating since I started drawing and moving the mouse ...

I will try to update this...

Marc Calvelo


I am a CG Artist specialized in Animation who also loves storytelling and all the creative process.
I have been working in almost all the disciplines in the CG industry since 2000 and this is the place where I share all my works since my beginnings before the digital age until the present.

LAST UPDATE: Aug 05 2023