My latest animation reel with all my best work from 2011 to 2023 made in 3 different companies. I also enjoyed making the edit and sound FX of this piece.

A compilation of the most relevant animations I did during the 7 years I spent working in London. Everything is 100% animated by hand (except those with a text below)

I worked during 1 year and 8 months in previs, post-viz and the final animation on Star Wars Episode VIII - The Last Jedi and this is the Animation Reel with all my shots.
As experience I have to say that it was the opposite of working on the Episode VII, but the highlight about working in this movie is definitely when I went on set and I sat on the cockpit of the real Millennium Falcon:)

My animation reel 2015 from ILM and Prime Focus mainly. Including shots from the films:
Star Wars - Episode VII:  The Force Awakens / Avengers: Age of Ultron / Ant-Man / Vampire Academy and Mirror, Mirror

I was one of the very few animators in ILM London who had the pleasure to animate Maz, Snoke and even the Millennium Falcon. It was great to be able to animate a CG character interacting with the classic Han Solo in a new Star Wars movie. 7 months of very intense and exciting work surrounded by the best animation team I ever worked with (but only 4 months of the work was used in the movie because of the constant changes in the cut until the very last minute). We animated all Maz shots in barely 2 months and half and it's all keyframe (we just used Lupita's video references to match her performance).
I`ve never made a showreel of just one film but this occasion I think is very special.

Some of the animations that I did between 2010 and 2013.
Mostly belongs to films where I worked in Prime Focus.

By pushing the play of the video you will see 16 years of my works concentrated
in just 3 minutes.

Some of the assets that I modeled from 2003 until 2011.

MARKUS, my animation project for TV

This is a tv animation project I made during spare time (It took me 2 years)
For more information, you can also visit Markus web page HERE

First animation tests of the first version of Markus in 2002



Ha costat trobar el moment però al final he pogut preparar aquesta web per penjar-hi el material que he anat acumulant des de que vaig començar a dibuixar i a fer anar el ratolí...

Intentaré anar actualitzant això...

Marc Calvelo

Ha sido difícil encontrar el momento, pero al final he podido preparar esta web para colgar el material que he ido acumulando desde que empecé en esto de dibujar y manejar el ratón ...

Intentaré ir actualizando esto...

Marc Calvelo


It's been hard to find the time but finally I've been able to prepare this site to post material that I have been accumulating since I started drawing and moving the mouse ...

I will try to update this...

Marc Calvelo


I am a CG Artist specialized in Animation who also loves storytelling and all the creative process.
I have been working in almost all the disciplines in the CG industry since 2000 and this is the place where I share all my works since my beginnings before the digital age until the present.

LAST UPDATE: Aug 05 2023